Low Stress Levels Enhance Working Memory Performance
Study reveals an inversely proportional association between stress and working memory, showing that low levels can be beneficial In the complex landscape of neuroscience, studying the interactions between stress and cognition is crucial for understanding the human mind. Recently, researchers from the Human Connectome Project, an initiative launched in 2010 by the United States National […]
Studies on Neuronal Connections May Enhance Teaching Methods
Studies carried out to identify which stimuli create and strengthen neuronal connections could help improve teaching methodologies Phenomena such as learning processes and memory formation are linked to changes in neurons and the connections between them, known as synapses. These changes are not directly related to the formation of new neurons, but primarily to modifications […]
Virtual Reality May Overcome Inefficient Conventional Teaching Methods
Study Reveals How Virtual Reality-Based Education Has Outperformed Distance Learning (EaD) and Even In-Person Teaching in Various Evaluated Aspects The quality of formal education poses a challenge in many countries, including Brazil. Data from the 2022 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) show that the country ranks 65th in Mathematics, 52nd in Reading, and 62nd […]
Neuroscience Research Lab Leads Innovation in People Qualification
The sole private lab dedicated to applied research in cognitive and behavioral neuroscience in Brazil, located in the city of Uberlândia, is home to studies that are transforming the way people are qualified According to current neuroscience research, teaching and learning are two crucial processes for both individual development and life in society, as they […]